Alex founded a successful medical software development company in 1982, one of the first businesses to settle in that area, providing business solutions for many of Ontario’s doctors and medical offices. The business continues to grow and invest in research annually, building advanced medical software platforms that reduce health care costs and increase efficiencies.

Passionate about giving back to his community, Alex has always volunteered throughout his career and has served on the board of directors for numerous non-profit organizations, helping seniors and youth including CAYRE (Community Alliance for York Region Education) and Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care. In 1997, he founded the S’port for Kids charitable foundation, which provided over $1 million during 18 years to community groups such as the Richmond Hill Soccer Club, allowing more than 50,000 less advantaged children participate in local sport programs.

Professionally, Alex has served as director and treasurer of the Medical Software Developer Association of Ontario (MSDAO). He was appointed to the Ontario Job and Investment Board and the Ontario Medical Association as a Cabinet Member of OMSBF (Ontario Medical Student Bursary Fund) and has served as a Team Richmond Hill Business Ambassador.

Alex has received several honours and awards, including Outstanding Business Achievement award from the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, Entrepreneur of the Year Award from the Association of Chinese Canadian Entrepreneurs, and recognition from the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond and Platinum Jubilee awards, as well as the Toronto Police Services John Herra Award, among others.

Presently, Alex serves as co-chair for the Toronto Police Services Chinese Community Consultative Committee, Board chair at the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority and Board member at the Education Quality and Accountability Office.

Alex and his wife Lucy are the proud parents of two adult children and four precious grandchildren..
